Q. If I’m ordering online, how do I know if I’m getting the right chew for my dog?
Different dogs do indeed chew in very different ways. Some dogs chew (too) quickly and are prone to choking, while others like to take their time and savour the flavour of their treat. Big chews for the big chewer should give you some idea of what we offer, and you can find our ‘Bobbi time trial’ on Instagram!
Q. Why are some of your products more expensive than the big stores?
If you look at our prices vs other stores you will find our pricing to be competitive.
Our goal is to provide affordable, high-quality products that ensure your dog's health and well-being. Give your beloved dog a natural, additive-free treat that they truly deserve.
Some brands/products we simply cannot price match, we don't have quite the same buying power as the big chains! Other products we don't just match, but BEAT in terms of price, and quality.
Q. What IS BioThane®?
BioThane® is the brand name of all coated webbing products made by BioThane Coated Webbing Corp. It’s basically a polyester webbing with a TPU or PVC coating that makes it more durable, waterproof, easy to clean and stink-proof!
Under normal use, BioThane® will outlast nylon and leather and it is soft and flexible.
BioThane® comes in all different colours and widths, so we can find one that suits you.
Q. Do you offer all-natural treats for cats?
Because our treats are all-natural, your cat should be able to enjoy some of the same treats your dog can have, we have heard that some cats absolutely love the buffalo wrapped trachea & rabbit feet!